
Dakes bible online free
Dakes bible online free

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The Dake Annotated Reference Bible, published in 1963, represented the first Pentecostal study Bible. And secondly, this case is especially enlightening in explicitly showing how this near-unanimous agreement entirely reversed its course by the 1980s and 1990s. Show me someone pre-1960 who disagreed with this mainstream view, and I’ll show you a communist at war with the orthodox view of the authority of Scripture.

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Whether they be evangelical, Presbyterian, Baptist, or, in this post, Pentecostal. The first is as a continuation of the theme we’ve been laying out recently: the unanimous voice of pre-1960 American Protestantism, by which all who believed in the Bible as the literal, infallible, unchanging Word of God supported racial segregation and opposed miscegenation. Rather, I’m posting this for two reasons. Finis Jennings Dake (1902–1987) was a very influential figure in the charismatic Pentecostal movement in the middle half of the twentieth century. This post should not be considered in anyway an endorsement of the Charismatic movement, premillennial eschatology, dispensationalism, or Dake’s personal failings.

Dakes bible online free