Though the game has been in development for a number of years, the high quality of each aspect of the game is surprising each time a new version comes out. Just like the scenes, all of the music is also completely original. All of those characters are fully done, with Freeza having his finishers, which had never before been released. Each of them have different special movements that were taken directly from the manga/anime. This pack includes a special custom screenpack, several stages, and playable Babidi, Majin Vegeta, Vegeta, SSJ Goku, Goku, Gohan and Freeza. It has characters from Dragon Ball Z and, right now, the following characters are available: Goku, Goku Super Saiyajin, Vegeta, Mr. The game was developed using the MUGEN engine and it's being constantly updated. Instead, the game's creators have recreated the graphics from zero in order to make them look like the acclaimed graphics of games like Capcom from the 90s. Unlike other fan-designed free games, this game doesn't borrow its graphics from commercial video games. However, Hyper Dragon Ball Z is designed for those who are nostalgic for that time. However, and contrary to other MUGEN titles, this one seems really polished and comes with reworked sprites for pretty much all characters. Hyper Dragon Ball Z is basically a MUGEN 2D DBZ fighting game. There have been 6 likes from 10 votes on this game.The golden age of the Dragon Ball fighting games was during the time of the 16 bit consoles, and they haven't had the same success now that they've moved to 3D on the more modern consoles. Quote: Ronnie Dieleman has released a new version of Hyper Dragon Ball Z. Please click inside the screen to activate the controls The Villain characters in the game are: Frieza, Fat Buu, Kid Buu, and Perfect Cell. Available hero characters include Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Gotenks, Piccolo, and Veggito. Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension also features a different approach in telling a story as the game’s story does not focus on the character played.

However, unlike the anime, in this game, the plot will progress regardless of characters win or not. The story takes place from the late Frieza saga and continues until the end of the Buu Saga. Fight opponents in the air or in land and use your Ki wisely to win in Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension!ĭragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension features a story akmin to that of the anime. Step into the war of God-like heroes as they battle formidable opponents and alien races.